Open Water Fly Fishing Tournament May 3rd, 2025
Mark Your Calendars: Open Water Fishing Tournament – May 3rd, 2025!
Join us at Wellington Lake for a full day fly fishing tournament for open water trout!
Saturday, May 3rd, 2025
Tournament Time: 7:30am-3:30pm
Anglers will be eligible for cash prizes, Wellington Lake loot, fun and more!
Space is limited! Pre-registration is recommended.
Pre-registration fee is $15 to join either bracket. All Pre-registration fees are per angler.
By pre-registering your check-in process will be streamlined, and you will be guaranteed a spot on the day of the tournament.
Pre-registration fees are non-refundable, pre-registration fees will go towards the entry fee when you arrive on the day of the tournament.
Any anglers that are not registered by 10 am on the day of the tournament will not be allowed to fish on May 3rd, 2025.
Scroll to the bottom for prize information
Rules for TournamenT
-NO LIVE BAIT! any angler using live bait will be automatically disqualified.
-For this tournament you are allowed to use flies only.
-Three Flies maximum per rig. Any Angler using more than three flies will be eligible for automatic disqualification.
-Fly Rods or conventional Rods (with fly set up) are allowed.
-Anglers must complete registration by 10am to be able to fish on May 3rd, 2025.
-Day Use will be open for guests joining the anglers and will be discounted to $10/day.
-Only anglers who are registered in the tournament on May 3rd, 2025, are allowed to fish that day.
-Prize winners will be determined by measurement size of the three largest fish from each bracket.
-Anglers will be responsible for measuring their own fish and must follow the guidelines for submitting pictures to be eligible for prizes.
-Anglers must bring or purchase an approved fishing measurement tool provided by Wellington Lake.
-Hand launched watercraft and battery-operated trolling motors are allowed. No gas-powered motors will be permitted.
-Anglers can share a multi-person watercraft so long as all occupants are entered into the tournament.
For Detailed rules and regulations on the open water tournament use link below.
Adult Bracket
Adult (16+) Entry Fee $50
1st Place Prize- 20% of all entry fees for adult bracket, TBD.
2nd Place Prize-15% of all entry fees for adult bracket, TBD.
3rd Place Prize-5% of all entry fees for adult bracket, and TBD.
Youth Bracket
Youth (6-15) Entry Fee $35
1st Place Prize- 20% of all entry fees for youth, TBD.
2nd Place Prize-15% of all entry fees for youth, TBD.
3rd Place Prize-5% of all entry fees for youth bracket, TBD.
Best photo prize
Submit the best photo and win a $50 Gift Card!